Exchange Your Inner Critic for Compassion

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You can eliminate your inner critic just by listening to this presentation.

Nobody likes to make mistakes, but many people have difficulty forgiving themselves when they do.

It can sometimes be hard not to be hypercritical with yourself, and with others. We all know people who compulsively magnify and criticize real and imagined flaws. Life is about learning and growing. Making mistakes is just one way to do that. Being hypercritical is counterproductive, and makes any upsetting situation just that much more painful.

Learn an amazing and simple forgiveness exercise. Dr. Swack will lead you in an exercise for clearing seduction patterns that will instantly quiet your inner critic. Take a major step toward self-acceptance, compassion, and inner peace.

What you'll learn

How to recognize and clear seduction patterns.

  • Computer, tablet, or phone
  • Internet access

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Exchange Your Inner Critic for Compassion
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