Jack Canfield, Judith A. Swack, Ph.D. and 19 other experts show you how to get to the soul of your greatest ambitions. Dare to break through to new levels of professional and personal accomplishment. Discover the happiness and fulfillment you’ve always wanted and learn how to maintain it.
This quote, used by Jack Canfield in this book, is one of countless quotations that verbally illustrate the "magic" of starting a new journey or project "today." And "magic" it is, because sages and successful people have always emphasized the need to start your process immediately, if not sooner.
Successful people tend not to understand doing things "tomorrow." Even inexperienced but ambitious people take only a moment to understand the benefits of acting promptly. Acting promptly should not be taken to mean hastily, or without planning, but as an overpowering caveat to start the job at hand.
Would you like to succeed? Most people do. And there are no boundaries for choosing goals. Our goals may include our desire to succeed in business, academia, societal or personal accomplishment, humanitarian improvement or any other field we select. The Celebrity Experts® who have made their journeys to success in this book share with you the importance of getting started and the potholes to avoid.
This is why the title of this book, Success Starts Today, is reflected so appropriately in the famous words of Martin Luther King, Jr.: You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.
Jack Canfield is an award-winning speaker and an internationally recognized leader in personal development and peak performance strategies. As the beloved originator of the CHICKEN SOUP FOR THE SOUL® series, he's taught millions of individuals his modernized formulas for success, and now certifies trainers to teach his content and methodology all over the world.
- Randy Deats, Dance Professional
- Alan Simbers, Ph.D. CCS, CADC
- Suzanne Vick, RN
Healing From The Body Level Up, Inc.
56 Pickering St.
Needham, MA 02492
(800) 310-6549 / (781) 444-6940
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