Healing the Deathwish Pattern

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Product Details

Participate with live demonstration subjects as they heal two common depression patterns including one that often causes addictions.

There are several patterns at the unconscious, body/soul, and personality structure levels that cause depression.

Dr. Judith Swack and her colleague Dr. Andrew Hahn discovered and developed a one-session intervention to clear the Deathwish Pattern, which is one of the most common patterns of depression.

Healing the Deathwish Intervention is a process that combines the Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) technique of Timeline Therapy (which operates at the conscious and unconscious levels) with the trauma techniques of Applied Kinesiology and ThoughtField Therapy, which operate at the body and soul levels.

What you'll learn

An intervention to clear the Deathwish Pattern.

  • Computer, tablet, or phone
  • Internet access

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Healing the Deathwish Pattern
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