An overtangle is a supernatural entity from the dark. It forms a network of negative energy so large that it contaminates large organizations and segments of society. I encountered my first overtangle while working on the goal of getting the HBLU™ methodology out into the world. When I found that I did not have permission to balance for the goal, our colleague Helen Tuggy figured out that the priority interference was an overtangle contaminating the entire western scientific/medical establishment. This made sense to me when I remembered that one of the diagnostic characteristics of a tangle in a system is that people get very angry and fight about absolutely nothing. Notice how the western scientific/medical establishment has always been actively hostile towards any new findings even from within its own ranks let alone from outside (alternative) sources.
Recently I discovered an overtangle whose job it is to distract all Lightworker/Holy Ones and many other people from doing their soul missions. Its message is, “being holy and doing my soul mission requires sacrifice.” This overtangle wraps around damage patterns that make people feel that they are not holy. These include severe traumas and layers of the enneagram wound that create feelings that I am bad/evil, unworthy, and disconnected from God. The overtangle tells the person it is a message from God about how to be holy (and if you’re disconnected from God, you don’t know the difference between a message from God and a message from an overtangle). Notice that the overtangle uses the word “requires sacrifice ” as opposed to “may involve sacrifice”. There are usually additional requirements such as suffering, misery, poverty, celibacy, asceticism, martydom, persecution, death, loneliness, isolation, lovelessness, depression, frustration, failure, exhaustion, illness, and pain.
This overtangle diverts people from a focus on doing their soul mission to a focus on proving that they are holy when they feel that they are not. The logic is as follows: In order to do your soul mission you have to be holy. Since you are not holy you must meet these requirements before you can do your soul mission. Notice that if the person meets the requirements, he/she has little or nothing left with which to do his/her soul mission. How can you do your soul mission if you are poor, sick, exhausted, or dead? Alternatively, the person may look at the unpleasant list of requirements and decide that he/she doesn’t want to pursue his/her soul mission. In either case, the overtangle does it’s job well.
How can this overtangle fool people into thinking its absurd and perverse message is from God? It relies strongly on hiding strategies to avoid detection because it can be easily cleared once it is found. Some people have rid themselves of part or all of the overtangle just by rational thinking and rejection of its message. The overtangle escapes detection by:
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Copyright 2001 Judith A. Swack, Ph.D.
March 2001 Judith A. Swack and Associates, Inc. Newsletter
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