Copyright 2023 Judith A. Swack, Ph.D.
Twenty years ago, Gina came to see me to clear claustrophobia in elevators, phobias of driving on the highway, and phobias of public speaking. After she confirmed that the treatment was successful I didn’t hear from her for 15 years.
When she called me this time, she told me that she had developed high blood pressure. Although it was genetic and ran in the family, she was surprised that hers was uncontrollably high and labile. Several trips to the emergency room and 4 medications (taken together) later, Gina contacted me to see if HBLU worked for normalizing blood pressure. Indeed, 6 sessions later her blood pressure was completely normal and maintained with just one pill containing ½ dose of 2 medications. Her thrilled cardiologist told her that she was certain that the work we had done caused the improvement. After another 6 sessions, Gina had straightened out her dysfunctional family, switched to a part time job, and spent the rest of her time pursuing her true soul mission.
Frank, an executive in high tech, came to me for help finding love. After clearing all the dysfunctional family patterns we could find, Frank found his true love, John, an ICU nurse. They moved in together, and I expected them to live happily ever after. Unfortunately, Covid struck, and John burned out. John became depressed, withdrew socially, and could be easily triggered into verbal bouts of rage. But John had never done any kind of therapy, and as an ICU nurse, felt he could just tough it out.
Frank called me in a panic and asked if there was anything we could do to save the relationship. After clearing yet another dysfunctional family system pattern that we hadn’t found till now, Frank convinced John to work with me. We treated John for PTSD, and taught him how to recognize, process, and express feelings. Frank and John are still together, and their relationship continues to grow in closeness and intimacy.
Lyla, an IT consultant, came to me for help finding work. She hadn’t been able to get another contract for a year and her savings were running out. It didn’t help that her husband had lost his job, gotten depressed, and given up on ever working again. He refused any kind of counseling or medical care for his condition. After a few sessions, Lyla divorced her husband and got a lucrative contract.
Three years later, Lyla got a really bad case of long Covid and was barely able to work. Even worse, she couldn’t focus her attention and had difficulty getting her body to stand up and walk. I treated her to clear the remaining virus from her cerebellum (the part of the brain that regulates motor function), and physical injury to the lungs. By the end of the session she was able to get up easily and walk and breath fully.
Life happens. Even if things are going well in general and for long periods of time, issues may come up. That’s when you need a tune up. Like a car, life needs regular maintenance. Every so often, I treat myself for something, whether it be setting yet another boundary, treating myself for the stress of having to learn up-to-date computer technology for my business, and the upset I experience when I or the people I care about show signs of aging.
So review your life. Now is the perfect time for an HBLU tune up! If you or anyone you know has something you would like to work on, even if you are a new client, HBLU methodology can help you.
To learn more or schedule an appointment, please call
781-444-6940, email
[email protected], or go to
Blessings, Judith
Healing From The Body Level Up, Inc.
56 Pickering St.
Needham, MA 02492
(800) 310-6549 / (781) 444-6940
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