Life is complex and we often need to make decisions that where we need to consider many factors. It’s easy to feel confused when making business, relationship, health, and career plans.
Here’s a simple decision-making exercise that allows you to access your soul’s deepest wisdom and simultaneously process and include information from your conscious mind, unconscious mind, body, and soul in the decision. This process will give you in mental clarity, a sense of direction, and confidence about decisions.
1. Write down the question you would like to ask and add a time frame by when you need to act on the decision. Muscle test for accuracy.
2. Muscle test and ask your deepest wisdom if it already knows the answer. If yes, write down what comes to you.
3. If not, do Frontal Occipital Holding by placing one hand across your forehead and one hand across the back of your head. Let your head move however it wants to, and it will stop when you are done. Write down the answer. Muscle test for accuracy.
Sometimes the answer is a definite action, and sometimes the answer is that you need more information about the subject after which you should ask again. Follow the deepest wisdom’s decisions and you’ll be happier with your decisions.
Note: When muscle testing questions about life decisions ask you deepest wisdom. When muscle testing questions about nutritional supplements and food ask your body.
Sample Questions for the deepest wisdom:
1. What college would I like to attend next year?
2. Do I want to break up with my boyfriend in the next month?
3. Should I expand my business over the next five years?
Sample Questions for the body:
1. Should I take this antioxidant for the rest of my life?
2. What should I eat for dinner tonight.
HBLU™ is an innovative, rapid, and powerful new mind/body/spirit healing methodology developed by Judith A. Swack, Ph.D., a Ph.D. Biochemist/ Immunologist, Master NLP Practitioner, and Mind/ Body Healer. HBLU™ integrates biomedical science, psychology, applied kinesiology, hypnosis, Neuro Linguistic Programming, and other energy psychology techniques with original research on the structure of complex damage patterns. HBLU is so effective because:
1. The client’s deepest wisdom dictates all the healing work and is thus specific for that individual,
2. It has a menu of well characterized damage patterns and easy protocols for clearing them,
3. It has a comprehensive menu of quick and effective techniques, and
4. It clears blocks to success at the conscious, unconscious, body, and soul levels simultaneously.
HBLU™ helps people rapidly achieve the results they want to live full, happy, healthy, and satisfying lives. Maybe it can help you, too.
Healing From The Body Level Up, Inc.
56 Pickering St.
Needham, MA 02492
(800) 310-6549 / (781) 444-6940
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