Soul Orientation Process

Judith A. Swack Ph.D. • Nov 29, 2023

A long time ago, before we had an individual consciousness we were flowing protoplasm in the body of God which I think of as a giant energy amoeba. There we were, flowing joy and bliss.

Then, for some reason, God decided to bud off individual consciousnesses and our souls were formed with a cell wall around us to maintain distinctness. (Think of us as yeast cells budding off the main yeast cell.) As the cell wall formed, God gave each of our souls a contract detailing our soul mission; the reason that we were formed. This is an individual contract between you and God that says that it is your job to spread light into the darkness (what’s darkness, you wondered?) The contract also stipulates that you collaborate with God and with other souls to create a web of light that permeates and illuminates the material universe (what’s the material universe, you wondered?) Furthermore you have the right to supercede God’s authority when it comes to making decisions about your own life (what’s a decision, you wondered?) because you now have free will. The contract often stipulates a personal assignment such as spreading love or knowledge, etc.

You were then sent out into the material world, the dualistic universe. (Think of us as pseudpod extensions of the energy amoeba with information flowing continuously between the extensions and the central consciousness. Or, think of us as astronauts on a spacewalk, tethered to and in constant radio contact with the spaceship of God.)

Where once we were in the body of God where there was only light, bliss, and flowing energy protoplasm, now, suddenly, we are in the dualistic universe where there is Light and Dark, Good and Evil, Life and Death, God and Satan, Matter and Energy, and linear time. This was very disorienting, an experience analogous to birth trauma. Our souls didn’t know what to make of this strange situation.

So, in order to clarify the purpose of embodiment and prepare you for the dualistic universe, we're going to do a guided meditation that takes you back in time to the formation of your soul. There you’ll get an orientation seminar where we'll go over your soul contract and give you some idea of what to expect, what to avoid, what God is, and how God works in the material world.

Know that at the time you first formed, you could have said "no" to God and declined to go into the material universe. When I asked people why they chose to accept the mission, they said that they could never say no to one they loved that much, i.e. God. Furthermore if they had said "no" their soul would have been reabsorbed into the protoplasm of God and they would have lost their individual consciousness. Apparently, once the soul is formed it doesn't want to be lost. (The desire to exit the paths of life and “go home” thus reuniting with God and ending suffering is a story in people’s Enneagram wound/ego structure, and not a true desire of the soul which knows it is an extension of God.)

  2. Float back in time to when you were flowing protoplasm in the body of God. There you are, flowing joy and bliss. Notice that you are starting to bud off as a distinct soul with a cell wall around you. At this time you receive a soul contract. It’s time for you to come to an orientation seminar to explain what’s happening to you.
  3. Look around you. There are other souls emerging with you. Invite them to the orientation seminar.
  4. Welcome everybody. This is your orientation seminar. Everybody come in, sit down, and take out your soul contracts. Everybody read your contract carefully. Now, let’s examine your contract.
    Does your contract say that your mission is to spread light into the darkness? (yes)
    Does your contract tell you to collaborate with God and with other souls in the service of this mission? (yes) Does your contract say that you have the right to supercede God’s authority when it comes to making decisions about your own life? (Yes, that’s the free will clause.)
    Does the contract say that you have the right to supercede God's authority to make decisions about everybody else's life? (no)
    Is there anything else that the contract says about your individual mission?
    Take a moment to look carefully at that section of your contract.
  5. Now that you are clear about your contract, let me tell you about the material plane and the dualistic universe where you are going. Go look out the porthole. See, there is darkness, the path of linear time and material lives. Over there behind the bushes is the energy of evil. Avoid that energy. It causes nothing but pain and misery. Avoid the cobwebs hanging over the timeline. They are toxic belief systems that cloud and poison the mass mind. Don't touch them no matter how pretty they look. Duck under them or go around. All right everyone, come on back and sit down.
  6. Let's talk about making decisions. Since you have free will and can choose to do whatever you want, how will you know that you are making the right choices? How will you know that you are following God's will?
    Sometimes you'll know and sometimes you won't.
    Angels and guides may make suggestions.
    You may have a feeling about what is right and what is wrong.
    It may be logically obvious what to do.
    Many times, God doesn't have an opinion and you make decisions the best you can based on what you know at the time.
    If, after a while, what you chose isn't working, do something else. If you made a mistake, understand that in the universe of linear time you can't go back and change things in reality. You can:
    learn from it,
    recover from it,
    make amends in the present and future to balance out your karma by continuing to make positive contributions to and take positive actions in the world.
    Remember, suffering doesn't benefit anyone.
  7. How does God work in the dualistic universe? God does not control everything that happens in this universe because every embodied soul has free will. You are an extension of God in material form because you carry the God energy within you. You will be the agent of transmitting God's influence in the world through your choices and actions. Remember, wherever you are there is God. You are always connected energetically to the whole of the energy that is God. What happens in each lifetime is created in large measure from the choices you make of your own free will. You will make choices about what you do, how you live your life, and what you want. Ask for God's support, and God will help you manifest what you desire.
  8. How do you feel about going out there? Curious, excited, hesitant. You can choose not to go because you have free will. You're going? Congratulations, you have made your first choice. Now that you’ve decided to go, know that in embodied form you will have one angel and one guide, minimum, to accompany you and help you.
  9. Say goodbye to the other souls emerging at this time. Each person will travel his own path but you will meet each other again and again and have many opportunities to work together.
  10. Ready…? Now come into the airlock and face forward at all levels, body, unconscious, conscious, and soul. Make sure your spacesuit, tether, radio are working and adjusted properly. Now, we’ll close the inner door, and open the outer door. Step carefully out of the space ship. Go around the energy of evil, avoid the cobwebs, and safely enter the path of life. Now, come forward to the present only as quickly as you experience all of your lifetimes with clarity about your soul contract and the awareness of yourself as an extension of God, returning to the present as your true radiant natural self.
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