Judith is her own client! Here she is before (in 2001) and after ( in 2004) she figured out the secret to weight loss and maintenance.
You can Achieve and Maintain Your Ideal Weight!
Have you struggled with weight all of your life? Do you find dieting and exercising physically, emotionally, and mentally stressful? Have you had your thyroid tested and there is nothing wrong with it? Do you know what works for you and yet … you don’t do it? If you are like me and many of my clients who found self-care to be a burdensome project, you are probably unconsciously (or consciously) caught in a belief system that says, "Neglect Is a Way of Life and It’s All About Neediness."
What is the "Neglect Is a Way of Life" belief system?
A belief system is a large pattern that runs through a family system for generations and also runs through many societies and cultures. The common cultural attitude that "children are to be seen and not heard" is characteristic of families and societies that neglect children’s feelings and needs because they do not consider children to be people. These children conclude that what they want and need does not exist in the universe and fear that "I cannot get what I need to survive." It doesn’t take long for these children to decide that neglect is just a way of life, and they feel chronically and secretly needy.
What do children do in a situation like that? They internalize the family pattern of neglect by neglecting themselves and later their children. They also come to believe that they should not have needs and feel that they are bad for having needs. To deal with the overwhelming feelings of grief, hopelessness, despair, rage, fear, and powerlessness children develop coping strategies such as:
Sadly, during childhood and later on in life, this pattern prevents people from being able to receive love, nurturing, help, and support that is available elsewhere.
Fortunately, I developed a two-three session intervention to heal this entire pattern from the conscious, unconscious, body, and soul levels of a person’s being. Once this pattern was cleared by the Healing from the Body Level Up™ (HBLU™) methodology, I and several of my other clients easily changed eating and exercising habits to successfully lose weight and maintain that weight loss without stress. We also started taking care of ourselves in other areas of our lives that we had previously neglected and got amazing results! In other words, we all felt that it was easy and natural to take care of and nurture ourselves in all areas of our lives. Here are just a few examples.
My Story
Overweight runs in my father’s side of the family, and I have always had to watch my weight. Somehow as I got older the weight slowly crept up on me even though I thought I was watching what I ate and faithfully doing my aerobic exercise. And somehow, I was afraid to weigh myself. When I did weigh myself, I would get depressed and frustrated and react defiantly by eating even more (although who I was defying and how eating more was going to solve my frustration about overweight I don’t really know.) At age 42 I had a baby. During the next year, I lost 20 of the 40 lbs I gained during pregnancy. At age 43 I had a miscarriage and went into early menopause. My doctor put me on the standard hormone replacement therapy, and slowly but surely I gained back the 20 lbs and added another 10 lbs on top of that! I asked my doctor if the hormone replacement therapy was causing me to gain or hold on to weight. My doctor did not think that hormones were the problem and recommended Weight Watchers. Strangely, I felt ravenously hungry all the time. In fact, I would awaken from hunger in the middle of the night and need to drink a glass of skim milk to get back to sleep. After I discovered the "Neglect Is a Way of Life" belief system, I developed a procedure to clear it, and of course I was my first subject. As soon as I was free of this pattern, I decided to see an endocrinologist to check me for hypoglycemia. He confirmed that I was insulin resistant and could develop Type II diabetes like my mother and grandmother before me. I knew I absolutely could not afford to keep the weight on. Three days after the visit to the endocrinologist I refilled my hormone prescription. For the first time ever, I read the pharmacist’s information about this drug. The description warned that people with diabetes must consult their doctors and adjust their insulin levels carefully because this hormone preparation affected insulin release. I always took my hormones at bedtime! That day I switched to taking my hormones in the morning and immediately started sleeping through the night. I switched gynecologists, started natural human hormone therapy, stopped feeling hungry, lost 15 lbs in 4 months and I’m still going strong.
Lori’s Story
Lori always had to watch her weight, but she lost complete control and gained 40 pounds during a nasty dragged-out divorce. She came to me feeling completely burned out and angry about the divorce, and very frustrated about her weight gain. It usually takes two sessions to clear the "Neglect Is a Way of Life" belief system. Two weeks after the first session she reported that she had more energy and hope about the divorce situation and she had also lost two pounds. When I asked her what she had done to lose the weight, she told me that she went to the grocery store, stocked up on fruits and vegetables, and ate those whenever she wanted a snack. After the second session she stopped even wanting to snack, lost interest in chocolate, and four months later she had lost 15 lbs without any seeming effort.
Sally’s Story
Sally was overweight all her life. She had a hundred excuses for why she did not exercise and claimed that she was too busy to pay attention to eating right and dieting according to her nutritionist’s recommendation. After we cleared the "Neglect Is a Way of Life" belief system, Sally started following the diet and found a delightful exercise class that she now attends regularly. Interestingly, she also decided to finish her Master’s degree thesis that she had put on hold for 5 years. She finished the thesis in three months and passed her exam one month before the deadline!
What is Healing from the Body Level Up (HBLU™)?
Healing from the Body Level Up™ or HBLU™ for short is an innovative, rapid, and powerful new mind/body/spirit healing methodology that I originated and developed, with the help of many of my teachers, colleagues, and clients. It is a holistic psychotherapy system that heals a person at the conscious level, the unconscious level, the body level and the soul level simultaneously. HBLU&trade puts people in touch with their soul’s deepest wisdom and allows them to work congruently with that wisdom to achieve the results they want in their lives so they can live full, happy and satisfying lives. I am a Ph.D. biochemist and immunologist and a Neuro-linguistic programmer who believes in getting consistent and reproducible results. I developed this healing system by integrating biomedical science, Neuro-linguistic Programming, psychology, applied kinesiology, energy psychology techniques, and spiritual practices with my original research on the structure of complex damage patterns and years of follow-up testing to confirm those results.
Why is HBLU™ so effective?
I believe that the effectiveness of HBLU is due to four factors. The process of asking the client’s deepest wisdom to identify the priority goal and the priority interference pattern, then having the client explain the pattern consciously, and finally locating the negative energy/feelings in the body allows all four levels to focus on and clear the problem simultaneously. I call this aligning the levels. The second factor is a comprehensive menu of damage patterns and knowledge of their structures. The third factor is a comprehensive menu of techniques. My criteria for including therapeutic techniques in my menu is that they be effective, work in minutes, be as painless as possible, and permanently clear the damage at the conscious, unconscious, body, and soul levels. The fourth factor is specificity. By choosing the priority interference pattern from menu A and matching the appropriate intervention from menu B, each session is tailor made for that individual. This is how, using HBLU™, we are able to clear very complex and long-standing issues in a very short time to my own and my clients’ relief.
If you recognize any of these issues and would like to clear them rapidly and thoroughly, please call our office @ 781-444-6940 to schedule a private session. For more information about what other problems HBLU™ is successful at treating call for information.
Healing From The Body Level Up, Inc.
56 Pickering St.
Needham, MA 02492
(800) 310-6549 / (781) 444-6940
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