Rising Through the Levels Of Consciousness

Judith A. Swack Ph.D. • November 29, 2023

As my clients and I have healed and grown over the years, we’ve evolved through the levels of consciousness. I thought I’d share this with you, so you’d know what you have to look forward to. I can tell you from personal experience that life keeps getting better both internally and externally.

The lowest level of consciousness is that of HOSTILITY. People at this level have been raised in a family or environment where they were subjected to physical (and sometimes sexual) and emotional violence. Sometimes they experienced abuse at the hands of healing professionals. In this state, people perceive the world as populated with perpetrators. In order to protect themselves, they approach others with open hostility. They live in a state of hyper vigilance, a very uncomfortable way to live. Fortunately, we can heal the trauma with HBLU™ and people move to the next level of consciousness, that of GUARDED.

At the level of GUARDED, people perceive the world as potentially but not necessarily dangerous and they protect themselves from people and circumstances by not letting anyone in. By that I mean, they don’t share their inner thoughts, opinions, and most of all their feelings. At this level, people are a lot more comfortable than at the previous level and function well professionally and socially. The problem is it is difficult to really connect with others and have close personal and intimate relationships. People at this stage often do not feel supported by others, the world, or God. Fortunately, we can heal the family system patterns, personality structures, and other life experiences that keep people stuck at this stage, so they can move to the next level of consciousness, that of PRESENT.

The next level of consciousness is the level of PRESENCE. At this level, people are comfortable with themselves and others. They feel really alive in the moment, experiencing life while they’re living it. This is in contrast to dwelling on the past or obsessing about what the need to do next in the future. When I finally arrived at this level, I felt that I had missed large chunks of my life. I was grateful that I could now have my life while I was living it. I developed the following procedure for being present:


  1. Notice when your mind is someplace else
  2. Take a deep breath all the way to your bottom to feel present in your body
  3. Look around you to connect with your present surroundings
  4. Tell yourself “here I am now, in this situation, doing X”
  5. Enjoy the experience


  1. Here I am now, in Florida, swimming in the ocean, feeling myself jump up and down in the warm waves, looking at the blue sky with a few white clouds and at the minnows when I put my face in the water with my goggles.
  2. Here I am now, in my office, sitting in my swivel chair, looking at my client, listening to his/her story, while feeling my reactions and making associations with the patterns that might be causing the problem.
  3. Here I am now, sitting in the choir loft, between the tenor and another soprano, during the High Holiday services, looking at my music and watching the choir director, so I can make my entrance on time.
  4. Here I am now, in traffic, with my hands on the wheel, my foot on the pedal, my back in the seat, my eyes on the road. (this one is particularly helpful for those tough commutes)

When I reached the level of PRESENCE, I thought I had it made. I was really enjoying the experience of being alive so much that I no longer felt like escaping by reading science fiction. Then a funny thing happened on the way to enlightenment. A client (who is truly a friend) introduced me to the level of RECEPTIVE.

I had just given a healing seminar at her home with spectacular results. As I was leaving she expressed her gratitude and love for me. I replied, “You’re welcome” while internally waving away the sentiment. Her voice got louder as she said, “No, you’re not getting it. I love you.” Suddenly I realized she was right. I wasn’t getting it. I wasn’t letting it in. I was used to expressing my love for people by healing them and caring about them, but was uncomfortable letting in people’s love and caring for me. (I’m sure you are all familiar with this.)

Using HBLU™, I cleared the interference to letting love in fully. Suddenly I was surrounded in a golden bubble of light and felt a remarkable sensation of calm and well being. The next time we met, we joined energetically with a feeling of mutual love, appreciation, and respect, and truly experienced the sensation that “we are love.” Since that time, I can feel it in my heart when someone says “I love you.” It’s a warm nurturing vibration that I like very much. I’m now recommending it to everyone.

One sunny Monday in June, 4 clients in a row blessed me. It wasn’t that they were just expressing their appreciation; they actually said, “I bless you Judith.” As if 3 blessings weren’t enough for me to get the point, the fourth woman actually turned to me, put her hands on my shoulders, looked me in the eyes and gave me the blessings of the grandmothers

Already familiar with the uncomfortable feeling of receiving, I treated myself with HBLU™ to “receive all blessings fully.” After clearing myself, I realized that when someone blesses me it is God blessing me through that person. I felt an even deeper sense of inner peace, stability, and groundedness than I had been enjoying at the level of RECEPTIVE.

Two weeks later I hugged the groom at my cousin’s wedding. Instead of congratulating him, I spontaneously blessed him. It wasn’t just words. An energy emanated from me that flowed through him and (I felt) purified him of all his past relationship trauma while wishing him well for the future. July 24th on a News for the Soul live radio broadcast http://www.newsforthesoul.com/hblu.htm I blessed a woman with cancer (after treating her for a blocked energy field caused by diagnosis shock https://www.hblu.org/DiagnosisShock.php). Along with the sincere desire for her well-being through all time, levels, and dimensions I sent a purifying energy through her body to cleanse her of all cancer and reconstitute the perfection of her body according to the cosmic blueprint of her DNA. Perhaps it’s this energy that generates the healing power of prayer. I’ll update you as I get more experience at this level.

Is there a level of consciousness beyond BLESSED? I think so, and I’ve named it “HAPPINESS FROM THE INSIDE.” As usual, it was one of my insightful clients who led me to this. ‘Jane’ developed a chronic skin rash shortly after her best friend ‘Samantha’ died of cancer 11 years ago. ‘Jane’ wept every time she thought about her. In order to clear the rash, we treated Jane for the loss trauma, and we balanced Jane to move into the future (instead of remaining stuck in the past). Still, Jane wept every time she thought about Samantha.

Muscle testing revealed that weeping was Jane’s way of honoring the memory of her friend. Jane’s deepest wisdom didn’t think that weeping was how her friend would like to honored, but “I was in such denial when she was dying that I never asked how she would like to be remembered.” So we summoned Samantha ‘in spirit’ into our session. Samantha, beaming light and smiling, told us that what she had learned from spending 11 years in the beyond was the importance of being a happy person from the inside. Samantha wished that Jane would learn how to be a happy person from the inside before she died. Gratefully, we thanked Samantha and promised to pursue that goal to the best of our abilities.

Since that time, I have been having ongoing discussions with people about what is happiness? Is it a state of calm or contentment, a feeling of satisfaction? Is it a euphoric state? How do you achieve it as a constant internal state rather than seeking momentary happiness from external events?

Fortunately, others have been asking the same question. The theme of The Art of Happiness by the Dalai Lama and Howard Cutler is that “the purpose of our existence is to seek happiness… But isn’t a life based on seeking personal happiness self-centered, even self-indulgent?” The authors cite studies that show that unhappy people are the most self- focused, and happy people are more sociable, flexible, creative, loving and forgiving. This book gives suggestions about how to achieve internal happiness.

Some of my clients have put up the goal to “Be a happy person from the inside”, and we’re seeing what we can do with HBLU. This fascinating study is in progress, and Rising Through the Levels of Consciousness is a process to be continued…

What is HBLU ™ ?
HBLU ™is an innovative, rapid, and powerful new mind/body/spirit healing methodology developed by Judith A. Swack, Ph.D., a Biochemist/Immunologist, Master NLP Practitioner, Mind/Body Healer, and leader in the field of Energy Psychology. HBLUTM integrates biomedical science, psychology, hypnosis, Neuro Linguistic Programming, applied kinesiology, and other energy psychology techniques with original research on the structure of complex damage patterns. HBLUTM is so effective because:

  1. The client’s deepest wisdom guides the healing,
  2. It has menus of well characterized patterns and effective healing techniques,
  3. It clears blocks to success at the conscious, unconscious, body, and soul levels.

HBLU ™ helps people rapidly achieve the results they want to live full, happy, healthy, and satisfying lives. Maybe it can help you, too. Dr. Swack and her associates work with people in person or by phone. Healing from the Body Level Up ™, Inc. is located in Needham, MA. Call 781-444-6940 to book an appointment, order a free information package, and order audio and videotapes. Visit our website at www.HBLU.org.

Published as series in the HBLU™ Newsletter, Copyright 2009

By Copyright 2025 Judith A. Swack, Ph.D. January 31, 2025
James ’s brother, Samuel , sustained severe traumatic brain injury from a car accident. He spent the year going to many doctors for treatment, but could barely function. Samuel complained that not only did standard medical care not help him, but the doctors ignored and mistreated him. Whenever James suggested any complementary therapies, such as acupuncture, chiropractic, or HBLU, Samuel immediately came up with excuses as to why going for that kind of treatment was impossible. (Notice that he didn’t claim that that kind of treatment wouldn’t work. He just made it impossible to get there.) James said, “Even though I feel really guilty about it, I’ve stopped trying to help him because he makes everything impossible.” Monica ’s 25-year-old son, Ed , suffers from such severe debilitating Crohn’s disease that he couldn’t finish high school, can’t work, can’t leave the house, and can barely leave his room. Traditional medical care and medication is not helping. Monica and her husband bought him a dog thinking that would cheer him up, but Ed does not interact with it. Monica has suggested and made appointments for many complementary therapies such as nutrition, naturopathy, family therapy, and HBLU, but Ed refuses to go to these appointments. Monica experiences guilt and deep sorrow that her son is so ill, and she and her husband haven’t been able to help him. Valerie ’s partner, Nancy , is 200 pounds overweight, suffers from ADD and severe anxiety, and hates her job. Nancy had been on medication for the ADD and anxiety, but when her psychiatrist retired, never attempted to find another provider and let her medication lapse. When Valerie suggested that Nancy find new doctors and get back on medication to help her mental function and treatment for overweight, Nancy refused to make any follow-up phone calls or emails. Although they had gotten engaged in the Spring, by Fall, Valerie had asked for the ring back. Valerie said, “I don’t think I can live with her if she refuses to take care of herself and won’t let me help her.” What do James, Monica, and Valerie all have in common? They feel deep sorrow, guilt, and frustration that they can’t help someone they care about deeply. But the people who are suffering are also trapped in a pattern that continues to cause them suffering. Both the impotent helpers and the perpetual sufferers are trapped in a seducer strategy called, “I’m impossible.” What is a Seduction Pattern? Seduction patterns are some of the most energy draining, perverse, and frustrating patterns a person can experience. People with seduction patterns get tricked into doing things they don’t want to do. They are unable to leave bad relationships, jobs, family, or other upsetting situations.
A woman is sitting on a couch talking to a psychologist.
By S.C. LICSW November 20, 2024
It’s that time again, where I get to shout out another amazing woman. Dr. Judith Swack has changed my life! In fact she has changed our family’s life. I found her in summer of 2023 . There was so much unhealed shit and my body was paying for it. I am 46 years old, and I have been in therapy on and off since I was 13. I’ve had some lovely therapists. I’m also a therapist myself. And I can honestly, wholeheartedly say, NOTHING has ever helped with lasting changes as much as Judith. She’s one of the smartest women I’ve ever met - she’s a neuroscientist + an energy healer. And the work she does - what we do in session - cannot even really explain it. It’s weird as f*ck. And it works!! In the past little over a year, I have managed to change a couple of behaviors I have not been able to change in 20 years. no exaggeration, and not for lack of trying. One of my 11 year old sons was paralyzed by fear of spiders - had a phobia, happened to be with me one day when I had an appointment and was going to wait in the waiting room, she said he could come in even though she doesn’t work with kids. I kid you not, she fixed that sh*t. In one session. He still doesn’t like spiders, but he isn’t frozen in fear anymore - he can get a tissue and pick it up and move on. This is unbelievable. And remember last week when I Saturday spotlighted my financial coach and how my husband’s feeling lonely in that part of our marriage is now getting resolved? Well, before I reached out to my financial coach to begin with, my husband and I had a joint session with Dr. Swack, where she helped heal a piece of our relationship which we’ve been stuck, going in circles for years! That clearing gave me the energy and thought to reach out for financial coaching to begin with… And if you need any convincing that this is the person for healing from trauma, I invite you to reach out and speak with my husband himself…. I % believe in all this energy healing etc, but he is a very logical, rational, no bullshit guy. He doesn’t do therapy. Talk therapy never worked for him, and he thinks it’s a complete waste. And I couldn’t explain this to him - how this is different or what it is. Nor did I try. I didn’t even ever suggest he should go… But when he saw our son get cured of the arachnophobia, and our son is very similar to him, no bullshit, rational, logical, and he said it worked, and we saw it worked he decided to try it… He decided to give it sessions… I think to prove to both of us it was all bullshit. He came home from the first session livid. But decided he would go back. He also came back from the second session angry, and told me all about how he yelled at Dr. Swack and told her it was bullshit… AND how she didn’t give a f*ck what he thought …”it doesn’t matter if you believe it or think it’s bullshit, I’m not talking to your rational mind, I’m talking to your subconscious” she’s told him numerous times… And suffice to say, he’s been about 9x now, and he too, is operating fundamentally differently. Our marriage is operating fundamentally differently. Traumas and patterns we have both carried and acted upon for years seem to be being dissolved. It’s really wild. If you are seeking a trauma healer or healing for anything, I can’t recommend Dr. Swack higher. I once asked Dr. Swack how to explain what she does to people, and she said “tell them I work with your subconscious”. I don’t think that really explains it fully… or maybe it does… either way it’s amazing. S.C. LICSW
By Judith A. Swack, Ph.D. April 8, 2024
One of my favorite projects is getting people happily married. To do that I did quite a bit of original research and discovered that just as there are psychological child development stages, there are 3 psychological relationship readiness stages.
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