Many salespeople are less successful than they’d like to be because they don’t have a clear understanding of what the job is really about.
Many salespeople believe that it’s a salesperson’s job to:
But, the most successful salespeople think of themselves as educators and service providers whose job it is to help people get what they need and want. The focus is on the customer. When a good salesperson helps people get what they need and want, their customers feel happy, the salesperson feels happy for having helped others, the salesperson gets paid, the company makes money, and everybody wins!
In order to do this, the salesperson must:
So I invite you to do this exercise we use in Healing from the Body Level Up for erasing negative attitudes and then installing positive attitudes directly into your unconscious mind.
Start by thinking about the non-useful definitions of a salesperson. Place the palm of one hand on your forehead and the palm of the other hand on the back of your head where it bulges out. Your head will move however it wants to and stop automatically when the negative imprint is erased.
Now, think about being the kind of salesperson who helps others get their needs met. Make a beautiful positive picture of easy sales, happy grateful customers, happy managers and supervisors, and happy successful you. Intensify the scenario to make it even more attractive. Again, place your palms on your forehead and the back of your head. Your head will move however it wants to and stop automatically when the positive scene is installed.
Now how do you feel? Optimistic? Confident?
Good. Go out there and help a lot of people.
Healing From The Body Level Up, Inc.
56 Pickering St.
Needham, MA 02492
(800) 310-6549 / (781) 444-6940
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